Upon the mention of landscaping, most homeowners think of grass, shrubs and trees. However, comprehensive landscaping also includes a number of inorganic components. Together with the natural components of landscaping, these help to bring out the beauty of a garden to the fullest. Retaining walls happen to be one of the key inorganic landscaping components, with great aesthetic and functional benefits. At DNS Landscaping, we offer an amazing range of landscaping services. We can install a personalized retaining wall for your garden to add to its beauty.
What are retaining walls and why are they important?
Retaining walls are basically landscaping structures that help to hold soil in place. Typically made of rocks or concrete blocks, these walls are very effective at separating one section of the land from another. The aesthetic and functional advantages of retaining walls can significantly boost the value of a property.
- Aesthetics
Retaining walls are so beautiful that they can easily be a centerpiece of the landscaping. Experienced landscape artists come with grand and customized designs for retaining walls for different types of properties. There is a wide range of natural materials using which it is possible to build retaining walls. This further opens up the scope of customization.
- Erosion prevention
One of the key functional benefits of retaining walls is that they help to curb soil erosion. Especially when the soil remains inclined on a slope, chances of erosion during heavy rain are quite high. The main purpose of the retaining wall is to hold this soil in place. It also reduces the flow of running water, such that more of the water seeps into the soil.
- Space utilization
Adding a retaining wall to your garden would allow you to utilize the space better. You may easily segment the property into different sections using a retaining wall. In case a slope is preventing you from utilizing your yard to the fullest, you may even it out with a retaining wall. Moreover, you may even add space for small planters by installing tiered retaining walls.
- Easy maintenance
The materials that find application in the construction of retaining walls are very durable. Hence, retaining walls are resistant to extreme weather conditions and require very little maintenance. You would rarely have to arrange for repairs and replacements. This makes retaining walls a cost-effective way to add value and functionality to your property.
- Seamless integration
It is easy to integrate retaining walls with the rest of the property. The wide range of designs in which retaining walls are available makes it possible to construct suitable retaining walls for almost any landscape. The high degree of customizability allows landscape artists to integrate retaining walls with other decorative structures on the property.
Essentially, a retaining wall is a highly versatile, aesthetically pleasing and customizable addition to a property with great functional value. If you are looking forward to install a retaining wall in your garden, you may contact us at DNS Landscaping. All you have to do is give us a call at (210) 765-8667 and discuss your requirements.